イベント開催中、18時まで延長! ※ライトアップ場所のみ
2018. 12. 1 sat – 2019. 1. 6 sun
ライトアップ | 16:45 〜18:00
Work with the Light Artist, Kyota Takahashi, to Create the Light-Up Participation Project
Open Hours Extended Until 18:00 for the Duration of the Event!
* Applies to the Light-Up Area Only
December 1, 2018 – January 6, 2019
Hours | 16:45 – 18:00
概要 About
イベント名 | 箱根ナイトミュージアム |
開催日 | 2018年12月1日(土)〜2019年1月6日(日) |
ライトアップ時間 | 16:45 〜 18:00(室内展示場と緑陰広場は17:00閉館。入館は17:30まで) |
ライトアップ場所 | 彫刻の森美術館 円形広場、本館エリア屋外展示場 |
高橋匡太作品 提灯 | 貸出無料 |
提灯貸出時間 | 16:45 〜17:40 |
提灯貸出場所 | 本館ギャラリー1F |
入館料 (ライトアップ体験も含む) |
ライトアップ入館料 (入館:17:30 まで) |
受付 | 9:00 〜 16:30 | 16:45 〜 17:30 |
大人 | 1,600 円 | 1,000 円 |
高校・大学生 | 1,200 円 | 700 円 |
小・中学生 | 800 円 | 500 円 |
未就学児 | 無料 |
※室内展示場と緑陰広場は17:00 閉館
【主催】彫刻の森美術館(公益財団法人 彫刻の森芸術文化財団)
【作品】高橋匡太《Glow with Night Garden Project in Hakone》
Throughout the countdown towards Christmas and extending into the New Year holidays we are once again holding a ‘light-up’ event by the light artist, Kyota Takahashi, utilizing the outdoor exhibition space and outdoor sculptures.
When you visit the museum, you will be able to experience the light-up event until 18:00. This year we have also established a light-up participation entry fee allowing people to visit the museum just for the light-up.
Night at The Hakone Open-Air Museum | |
December 1, 2018 – January 6, 2019 Open every day | |
Hours | 16:45 – 18:00 |
Last admission | 17:30 |
The indoor exhibition spaces and Green Plaza close at 17:00. | |
Venue |
The Hakone Open-Air Museum Round Plaza and Main Outdoor Exhibition Space |
General Ticket (Including the light-up event) |
After 16:45 Ticket (Last admission / 17:30) |
Ticket office opens | 9:00 - 16:30 | 16:45 - 17:30 |
Adults | ¥1,600 | ¥1,000 |
High school and university students | ¥1,200 | ¥700 |
Elementary and middle school students | ¥800 | ¥500 |
Preschool children | Free of charge |
*The general ticket includes the light-up event until 18:00.
*The indoor exhibition spaces and Green Plaza close at 17:00.
*No discount for the After 16:45 Ticket.
*Students are asked to present identification.
*Saturdays are Family Day at the museum. Admission is free for up to five children of elementary or middle school age per parent.
イベント Event
時 間:17:00〜(約30分)
箱根ナイトミュージアムマップ Map
Requests to our visitors
*Light-up arears are Round Plaza and Main Outdoor Exhibition Space.
*Light-up areas are dark. Please watch your step.
*Please do not touch the piece and the lighting equipment.
*Please do not hit the lighting equipment with your lantern. Even though the lantern is brought closer, the color will not change.
*Please be aware the grass part forbidden.
*Please keep off except light-up areas.
*Please return your lantern to Main Gallery by 18:00.
作品 Works
This year we have increased the number of sculptures to be lit up and added new, enjoyable attractions, such as the “Hikari no Mi” project that was created by visitors during a pre-event. The beauty of lanterns, which change color as you approach different sculptures or scenery, allows visitors to create new night scenes through their personal participation.
Glow with Night Garden Project in Hakone
高橋さんが考案した無線で色をコントロールするLED 提灯を持って、彫刻庭園を巡ってみてください。
Please come and walk around the sculpture garden with one of the lanterns created by Kyota Takahashi, which employ wireless signals to change color as you approach the various illuminated sculptures or scenery. It allows you to experience the feeling of entering into the light-up event environment.
箱根ナイトミュージアム きょうたさんと《ひかりの実》をつくろう!
Kyota Takahashi drew circles on paper fruit bags that visitors were then invited to use to draw a smiling face during a two-day pre-event. These bags have been fitted with tiny LED lights for the duration of the “Night at The Hakone Open-Air Museum” event, and attached to olive trees. It is a heartwarming work comprising of all the smiling faces drawn by the visitors.
You can see the smiling faces that were drawn on these ‘fruits of light’ on the official website
アーティスト紹介 Profile
髙橋匡太 Kyota Takahashi
越後妻有(新潟)で2011年から毎年開催されている雪アートプロジェクト《Gift for Frozen Village》、参加型のライトアップ《ひかりの実》などから、十和田市現代美術館(2008年・青森)やワコール新京都ビル(2016年)などの常設作品まで、幅広く活躍しています。
Kyota Takahashi (born in Kyoto, 1970, currently living in Kyoto) is an artist who explores the possibilities of light through the skillful manipulation of illumination and imagery. He is active in a wide range of fields, from the "Gift for Frozen Village" work for the SNOWART project that has been held annually at Echigo-tsumari since 2011, or the light-up participation project, "Hikari no Mi" (Fruits of Light), etc., to permanent works, such as the one he created for the Towada Art Center (2008) or the Wacoal New Kyoto Building (2016).
1970年 京都府生まれ。京都府在住
1995年 京都市立芸術大学大学院美術研究科彫刻専攻修了
2018 |
照明学会 照明デザイン賞審査員特別賞 (《光り織》2017,越後妻有文化ホール・十日町市中央公民館「段十ろう」,新潟) |
2018 |
照明学会 照明普及賞 (《光り織》2017,越後妻有文化ホール・十日町市中央公民館 「段十ろう」,新潟) |
2017 |
照明学会 照明普及賞 (《光の絹衣 / Vail of Silky Light》2016,ワコール新京都ビル,京都) |
2015 | 六甲ミーツ・アート 芸術散歩2015 主催者特別賞 |
2015 | DSA日本空間デザイン賞2015 優秀賞 |
2014 | 第33回ディスプレイ産業賞 ディスプレイ産業特別賞 |
2014 | 第18回CS デザイン賞 中川ケミカル賞 |
2010 | 京都市芸術新人賞 |
2008 | 京都府文化賞 奨励賞 |
2005 | グッドデザインアワード2005 環境デザイン部門 |
2005 | 平成17年度五島記念文化賞 美術新人賞 |
2005 | 京都府美術工芸新鋭選抜展2005 最優秀賞 |
2002 | ART-EX 大阪府芸術家交流事業 選抜派遣芸術家 |
2002 | 京都市芸術文化特別奨励制度 特別奨励者 |
2001 | ジャパン・アート・スカラシップ第 1 回現代美術賞 入選(清水敏夫部門) |
1995 | キリンコンテンポラリーアワード ’95 最優秀作品賞 |
1993 | 京都市立芸術大学作品展 京都市長賞 |